WELCOME TO MY INNER 3AM THOUGHTS!!!! Here I have some written paragraphs down below. Why are they here? Nobody knows.
There was once a robot who decided to take revenge on humans. He got his other robot friends and they all planned out a attack on humans. They realized they were not strong enough so they got they're alein friends. They all planned out another attack and they realized they had no chance against them. They then went to the midnight zone and got sea creatures, VERY DANGROUS CREATURES. They then realized they had absolutly NO chance against them. So they gave up.
The sporks have colonized pluto and are looking to destroy the earth to
revenge on humans for spork treatment of 0.00000000000000000001 respect
points. Humans don't care about sporks. Where did they come from? Nobody
knows. Myth: Sporks are a combination of spoons and forks. Truth: Sporks
are somewhat related to these 2 but ultimately were created from the most
unbreakable force, which is magic. Sporks are the most technological
ALso, play starve.io
Quelquefois je peux cuisine parce que je suis intelligente.
Mais je ne peux pas cuisine parce que je suis stupide.
Mais je peux parce que je peux.
Veux de cuisine? Pas de probleme!
Bonjour, je suis un eleve au college. Ma college commence a 3h30 tous le jours.
Quelquefois, j'ai beaucoup de problemes. Je ne dois pas parle quand ma prof est parler.
Aussi, je dois jamais triche. Quand je demande pour le facile devoirs, j'ai la plus difficile devoirs.
Sovient, je joue le foot paprce que je suis sportive. (Je suis tres grand et parreseux)
America: I use guns so I am American
Britain: Then I am more American because I used guns to conquer a fourth of the world
America: D:
Taboo Topics in countries
America: 9/11
Germany: WW2
Britain: American Revolution
France: Paris Attacks
Italy: Overcooked Pasta :/
This is just a random paragraph to be completely honest.
You know what? This is qauality content!!!
Ok so you might not have known this, but there i a secret code! (542,809)
Whoopsy dasies! Here it is! (5,42,8,o,9)
You might also be thinking: Wait.. what are they for?
Well here are 24 ways to write what first!
Now if you couldn't tell, those are legible ways!
BeLoW ThiS LiNe Of TeXt iS nOtHiNg!1!1